Thursday, 24 October 2013

Cap on pension charges could be introduced @myageingparent

Fears that people could be placed into ‘rip-off’ pension schemes have prompted Government action on the issue. Pensions minister Steve Webb has told MPs there is a ‘strong case’ for imposing a cap … continue reading Powered by WPeMatico

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Northern Ireland happiest place in UK says ONS @age_ni

People in Northern Ireland were happier than those in any other part of the UK last year, a survey has suggested. A third of people in Northern Ireland rated their life satisfaction as nine out of...

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Over 65s Will Need to Keep Working to Supplement Inadequate Pensions @TAEN_UK

The number of over 65s in work is set to continue rising as more and more retirees struggle to get by on their pensions, according to new research. This year the number of workers aged 65 and over broke the one million mark for the first time, with the latest employment figures from the Office for National Statistics showing 618,000 men and 389,000 women aged 65+ still in work. The trend has been largely attributed to the end of the default retirement age and the UK’s ageing population but research by British Insurers Partnership, suggests economic necessity will force increasing…

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Cap on pension charges could be introduced @age_uk

Fears that people could be placed into 'rip-off' pension schemes have prompted Government action on the issue. Pensions minister Steve Webb has told MPs there is a 'strong case' for imposing a cap ...

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‘Stronger’ with age @agescotland

The Stronger Art Competition was open for entry in West Lothian over August and September. Local residents aged 50+, who had never exhibited their work before, were invited to submit piece of their art which expressed their story of becoming 'Stronger' as they age.


Stronger Art Exhibition in the Age Scotland Bathgate Shop

After a difficult selection meeting, with representatives from Age Scotland and West Lothian Council Arts team, eleven pieces of art were selected for exhibition. These then went on display during October in Age Scotland shops in Broxburn and Bathgate as part of Luminate, Scotland's Creative Ageing Festival.

Laura Dunkel, Development Officer said: 'It developed out of an idea at a planning meeting for a West Lothian event for National Older People's Day. We felt it would be a good idea to do something that lots of people from across West Lothian could get involved in, particularly if they didn't want to, or weren't able to, come to the event. We invited all types of art to be submitted, as we recognise that there are lots of different skills, interests and abilities out there. We were absolutely delighted with the art work that was received, and struck by the extremely high quality. Its been really exciting having it on display in our shop windows. Both of our shops are located on busy high streets and we have been amazed at the number of people who have stopped to read the poems and admire the visual pieces and sculpture.'

Elaine Murray, Manager of the Broxburn Age Scotland shop said: 'We've had a lot of interest in the art exhibition and we've received lots comments from customers. We have had people tell us that it was “An absolutely fantastic idea” and that it “Made me stop and think about people with dementia”. One lady said that she felt inspired to do something artistic herself after looking at the exhibition. We're looking forward to hosting next years exhibition and next year we plan to have a comments book so people can write down what their opinions of the exhibition.'

Broxburn Age Scotland shop are holding an evening event on Thursday 31st October from 5.00pm-7.30pm. Come along to see our range ladies, gents and children's wear, as well as gifts and toys. For more information call the shop on 01506 856840 or pop in at 25 East Main Street, Broxburn (opposite Greggs).

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‘Take an hour’ to get ready for winter @agescotland

People in Scotland urged to use the extra hour to get ready for winter A campaign launched today urges people in Scotland to use the extra hour as the clocks go back this Sunday (27 October) to get...

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