Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Hot temper 'may raise heart attack risk' @myageingparent

People are 5 times likelier to have a heart attack in the aftermath of an angry outburst, a new study suggests. And researchers found the risk of suffering a stroke was 3 times higher during the… continue reading Powered by WPeMatico

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Hot temper 'may raise heart attack risk' @age_uk

People are five times likelier to have a heart attack in the aftermath of an angry outburst, a new study suggests. And researchers found the risk of suffering a stroke was three times higher during...

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Darcey Bussell encourages older people to get fit through dance @myageingparent

Strictly Come Dancing judge Darcey Bussell is encouraging older people to get fit through dance. She is backing a new programme of nationwide dance classes for older novice dancers, recently launched by the Royal Academy of Dance. The classes cover … Continue reading

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