Tuesday 3 December 2013

Energy firms pledge to curb price rises @myageingparent

Fuel bills are set to rise less than expected after energy companies pledged to pass on savings following a Government overhaul of green levies British Gas will cut dual-fuel bills by an average of… continue reading Powered by WPeMatico

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A fair state pension for all? @age_uk

This blog was contributed by Hannah Pearce, Age UK’s joint Head of Public Affairs. Every few years the government announces its intention to fundamentally reform the pension system once and for all to ensure it is fair and sustainable for … Continue reading

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Energy firms pledge to curb price rises @age_uk

Fuel bills are set to rise less than expected after energy companies pledged to pass on savings following a Government overhaul of green levies British Gas will cut dual-fuel bills by an average of...

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Friends of the Elderly launch #actkind Christmas campaign to rekindle community spirit @myageingparent

National charity Friends of the Elderly (FotE) today officially launches their Christmas campaign #actkind, which aims to encourage people across the country to perform a simple act of kindness during this festive period The campaign was conceived to address the … Continue reading

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£100,000 to develop intergenerational projects @age_ni

Justice Minister David Ford is funding an initiative to help build trust, confidence and respect between the older and younger generations. The funding will enable Linking Generations Northern...

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