The elderly assistive technologies market, excluding eyewear, has been forecast to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.9% over the next five years, increasing from a value of $32.1.......
The elderly assistive technologies market, excluding eyewear, has been forecast to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.9% over the next five years, increasing from a value of $32.1.......
Age NI's Head of Services is urging older people to prepare now for the challenges of winter. Jacqui Corscadden commented, 'It's fantastic that the summer sun is still shining and there's still so...
Older people worry more about not having enough money to survive than having a companion during retirement, an insurance company report suggests. This sentiment applies to one in four people aged...
A WESTON care home gave older people in the town the chance to enjoy free tea and cake on the Grand Pier.
Monica Heltemes posed an interesting question on the "Dementia Champions" LinkedIn discussion group recently. She asked, "What would be an ideal world for patients and families living with dementia?" And I felt compelled to write the following answer... Here are...
A charity warns of an "invisible generation" of older people with autism in Scotland whose condition is often misunderstood and misdiagnosed.