Today Age Scotland presents Transport Minister Keith Brown MSP with 6,500 signatures gathered for its Still Waiting Petition. But the campaign is not over yet says Doug Anthoney.
As we gather at the Scottish Parliament today to meet Mr Brown, we can reflect on some significant achievements for the Still Waiting campaign since its launch in February. We’ve highlighted Community Transport as a vital part of the solution to isolation among older people, and got our MSPs and Scottish Ministers talking about it. We’ve made the case for greater investment in Community Transport – and the Scottish Government has agreed an additional £1m for new community minibuses. We’ve called for a more strategic approach to the future development of Community Transport – and the Scottish Government has commissioned research which should inform this.
But there’s more to be done. We’re yet to be convinced that the future of Community Transport is secure, as the Scottish Government has declined our proposal that it be included within, and part funded by, the National Concessionary Travel scheme. Age Scotland believes that the onus is now on the Government to put forward viable alternative proposals to ensure Community Transport services can meet increasing demand as our population ages. There are some grounds for optimism. Mr Brown has said in a letter to Age Scotland that: “While I have ruled out simply extending the National Concessionary Travel Scheme, I am keen to explore practicable, affordable ways to improve how we support the community sector so that it can continue to provide the very important services which it does.” In 2014 we’ll be talking further to Ministers and officials in the Scottish Government to ensure the investment needs of Community Transport, and the transport needs of older people who can’t use mainstream buses, are properly addressed.
You can still sending a Still Waiting campaign e-message to your MSPs today.
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