Monday, 4 November 2013

Hospital death ratio varies significantly by area @myageingparent

Latest data suggests there are large variations across England in the number of people who die at hospital or in their own homes. Official figures show that people are least likely to be in hospita… continue reading Powered by WPeMatico

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Hospital death ratio varies significantly by area @age_uk

Latest data suggests there are large variations across England in the number of people who die at hospital or in their own homes. Official figures show that people are least likely to be in hospita...

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Living Wage Rises Across the UK at the Start of Living Wage Week @TAEN_UK

Over 30,000 low-paid workers are in line for a pay rise of up to £400 per year as increases to the London Living Wage and UK Living Wage were announced today, at the start of Living Wage Week 2013. The London living wage is increasing from £8.55 an hour to £8.80. Outside the capital, the voluntary rate will go up by 20p an hour, to £7.65 – higher than the legal minimum wage of £6.31 an hour for over 21s. The living wage is independently set each year according to the basic cost of living in the UK and a…

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